Oh my goodness, a blog! A blog that is mine! I almost forgot! I am sorry, little one! I will never abandon you again!
Well, what to post? What shall I share with all of you? Um. Oh! Here's a lil' something. Before my watercolor class ended this winter, I got a chance to go behind the scenes at the Field Museum and watercolor a few hummingbird specimens. They were incredibly ancient but magnificently intact: the oldest of the two was from the late 1800s (okay, I may have been exaggerating with the whole ancient business, but hey, that's still pretty darn old!).
Other than that, I've been doing a lot of varied things lately. I revamped my website (it is temporarily stark and hipster chic, since I'm still working on some layouts in DreamWeaver to make it look ultra moderne and fancy schmansy) and am working on some watercolors to put on Etsy one of these days. I'm also working on some more animations (speaking of animations, here is my latest reel of morality) and a web comic series... and lots more! So, as always, I shall depart and go back to creating pretty things and guzzling down coffee and never ever ever abandoning my wonderful adorable squishy blog ever again.