Wednesday, February 11, 2009

...wait, I have a blog?

Yikes, I haven't posted here for a long time.

Long story short, I've been busy with other websites and just sort of forgot about Blogger. That said, I've just started fiddling around with Illustrator and I might have a few things to put up here. Because... you know... I really should start actually putting this to some use. Argh. My so-called grown up blog is still tiny and sad. And that's depressing. The intellectuals are winning! This must cease to be.


JP Mac said...

I like your comic blog.

Will you be updating that?

Maz Zolp said...

Oh! Narrative Ink? Thanks, that's actually a blog for a class that I was taking last year. ...I have no clue if it'll ever be updated again, but you never know!